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Are you looking for Mills Fleet Farm store?
Browse the current deals and Mills Fleet Farm weekly ads. Mills Fleet Farm offers exclusive and wide assortments of products for great value of money. All promotions provide a lot of special prices and hot offers.
Mills Fleet Farm store locations
Fleet Farm was opened in 1955 by Stewart Mills Sr. and his sons Henry and Stewart Mills. The first store was in Marshfield, Wisconsin. Fleet Farm has 47 locations, stores you can find mainly in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota. Stores are from smaller to larger size.
The company has always been a part of local life in the communities where stores are. There are the best products for their lovely customers. You will find in stores almost everything here such as: hunting, fishing equipment, household goods, clothing, footwear, toys, food, garden supplies, pet goods, sporting goods etc.
There are these departments:
Hunting, Fishing, Sports and Outdoors, Tires and Automotive, Clothing and Footwear, Home, Food and Household, Pets and Wild Bird, Lawn and Garden, Farm and Livestock, Home Improvement , Toys
Each category has a lot of subcategories with a lot of interesting goods from well-known brands.
Fleet Farm has its own rewards for the loyal customers. The loyalty program is called Fleet rewards. When you sign up to be a member of this program you will get points on things which you buy and other interesting rewards such as: get free 2 tires rotation per year, birthday and anniversary benefits and exclusive members offers and deals.
Online shopping
If you don’t have time for shopping, you can buy your necessary items online. When you do the shopping then only select a pick-up location or delivery to your home. The last and main advantage of this service is that you will save not only time but even money, because you can shop directly from a current Mills Fleet Farm weekly ad.
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