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Are you looking for Lucky Supermarkets store?
Follow current Lucky Supermarkets weekly ads, deals, flyers, circular. The Lucky Supermarkets weekly ad is full of interesting special prices and hot deals. All promotions are available online. Lucky supermarkets is focused on grocery products.
Loyal program:
If you sign in a reward program you will get from your purchases some points. You will not earn any point only in these cases: gift cards, phone/prepaid cards, postage stamps, event and lift tickets, alcohol, money orders and fund transfers, prescriptions and other pharmacy items, pseudoephedrine or other ephedrine products, health tests and other pharmacy services, taxes, dairy, coupons, discounts and other promotions, charitable giving, tobacco, transportation tickets and passes, and Lottery tickets. Your earned points you can exchange for dollars off or there are some rewards which you can choose from.
Lucky Supermarket store locations
Lucky’s parents stores are: Save Mart Supermarkets and Albertsons. Lucky stores has 68 locations in California. Lucky stores originate from California, so the retailer is typical American ones. The supermarket was founded in San Leonardo, California in 1935. Its headquarters you can find in Modesto, California.
Departments which you can find in Lucky Supermarkets are:
bakery, dairy, deli, frozen foods, general grocery, meat, pharmacy, produce, seafood, snacks, liquor
Online shopping
If you want to save money and time you can do your shopping online. You can shop from the current weekly ad or from a category which you need. Everything you can arrange from your comfy home. Delivery can be to your door steps or you can select a pickup place.
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