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Are you looking for Dillard's store?
Browse the newest Dillard's weekly ads, deals and offers, which help you to save money. Offered discounts are very convenient and help you to save money - you can save with Dillards sale and clearance on your favorite clothing, shoes, accesories and more. Dillard’s is a fashion retailer.
Dillard’s store locations
Dillard’s was founded in 1938, in Little Rock's Riverdale, Arkansas by William T. Dillard. Its headquarters is still in Little Rock’s in Arkansas and the owners are members of Dillard’s family. The department store has approximately 285 stores in 29 states. Stores you can find for example in these states: Arkansas, Texas, Florida, California, Michigan, Chicago, Wisconsin, or Minnesota. Dillard’s are mainly anchored in shopping centers. Dillard’s belongs among the nation's largest fashion retailers.
Departments which you can find in Dillard’s are:
Women, Juniors, Men, Kids, Shoes, Handbags, Accessories, Lingerie, Home, Beauty
Each category has a large range of products and national and exclusive brands.
Rewards at Dillard’s stores:
Dillard’s has its own loyalty program. Only be a member of the program and you get a card where you will collect your points. As a cardholder you will get these benefits: for every $1 in purchase you will get a point. For every 1.500 points you will receive an all-day 10% off shopping pass and others.
Online shopping
Dillard’s provides an eshop, where you can buy whatever you need without visiting a store. Online shopping is very comfortable and time savings service. Your purchase you can pick up in a store or it can be delivered directly to your home.