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99 Ranch Market stores
Stores are focused on grocery products, mainly for chinese products. 99 Ranch Market is known as Tawa Supermarket as well. This store was founded by Mr. Roger Chen in 1984. He brought typical chinese foods to the USA because as an emigrant he found the gap in the USA's grocery market. There are always fresh and in high quality products for the best value. Because of hardworking staff each customer will be their needs satisfied. The vision of 99 Ranch Market is to fully fill the taste of authentic flavors of Asian cuisines to mainstream American families and global customers. Products are budget-friendly prices. The company has been growing and still implementing new technologies and solutions such as on-line shopping, in-store pick-up, and delivery services. On-line shopping brings a lot of advantages such as saving time, shopping directly from the current deal and all you can do from your comfy home. In some stores you will find a food court. You can follow the supermarket on social media streams (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter), there is actual information about upcoming events.
Where are 99 Ranch Market stores locations?
99 Ranch Market has 59 stores across 8 states of the United States (such as Texas, California, New Jersey, Washington, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, Virginie). Each state has its own special online circular, coupons and deals.
The content of a circular has mainly these parts:
- fresh fruit and vegetables
- meat and fish
- asia products
- drinks and snacks
- rice and noodle
- beverages and liquor
- houseware
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